Masterpieces crafted
according to old traditions
An extraordinarily high amount of hammer strokes per cymbal ensures that the B20 bronze is highly compacted. This results in a fantastic sound with rich harmonics.
Depending on the weight, the cymbals range from a darker overall sound with a bright attack (medium) to bright with a very pronounced attack (extra heavy).

Each cymbal is meticulously handcrafted according to ancient traditions and meets the highest standards. Even at first sight, it is easy to spot the intricate tooling achieved with various hammers.

24" Heritage Orchestra Susp.

22" Heritage Orchestra Susp.

21" Orchestra Heritage Heavy

20" Heritage Orchestra Susp.

20" Orchestra Heritage

19" Orchestra Heritage Heavy

18" Heritage Orchestra Susp.

18" Orchestra Heritage

17" Orchestra Heritage

17" Orchestra Heritage Heavy

16" Orchestra Heritage

19" Orchestra Heritage Heavy

16" Orchestra medium

24" Orchestra Suspended

22" Orchestra Suspended

20" Orchestra Suspended

19" Orchestra Suspended

18" Orchestra Suspended

18" Orchestra extra heavy

18" Orchestra medium

19" Orchestra medium

20" Orchestra medium

20" Orchestra extra heavy

22" Orchestra extra heavy

22" Orchestra medium

18" Orchestra heavy

20" Orchestra heavy

19" Orchestra heavy

22" Orchestra heavy